GoPour's Dynamic Flow Technology™ offers revolutionary patent-pending container solutions that enhance user experience while priortising new standards in safety and sustainability.
Made with recycled materials and integratable at manufacture. Our solutions are completely recyclable at the end of life. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle What's your spill story.. ? |
GoPour Benefits:
GoPour seamlessly integrates into existing single-opening containers without requiring modifications to the container or cap.
UN Safety Certification:
Not affected in any way. Certification remains unchanged.
Self Venting:
Our technology is self-venting, requiring no additional openings or features to standard containers.
Naturally Forming Spout:
By generating laminar flow, GoPour creates a naturally forming fluid spout which projects the chemical clear of the container in a predictable and controllable manner.
Dispensing speed is not compromised. Flow rates (e.g. DIN61) from a trickle to up to 44 litres a minute, with full GoPour control, can be achieved as and when required.
Safety and Efficiency:
By ensuring a laminar flow, GoPour eliminates splash filling, reducing the risk of static buildup when using flammable and combustible solvents. This also minimises the industry challenge of foaming, a familiar issue due to the common use of surfactants in the chemical sector.
Occupational and Enviornmental Benefits:
GoPour provides splash-free, drip-free, and glug-free dispensing, enhancing both occupational safety and environmental sustainability.
GoPour works effectively with any viscosity of fluid reducing the opportunity for waste.
GoPour can be made work with most tight head containers, but best suited to containers between 2 and 30 litres.
Ease of Use:
GoPour is located within the neck of the container. The consumer opens the cap with no intervention, explanation or training required, simply GoPour!.
Safety and Reliability:
Fully invertible e.g. A twenty litre container even with viscous gear oil, still pours without gluging, splashing or interruption.
GoPours design, allows for industry-recognised triple rinsing where applicable with chemicals predominant in the agri sector, and standard recycling with non hazardous food contents.
GoPour can be manufactured from either recycled or virgin HDPE material, depending on the application.
Minimum Change:
GoPour adds ≤2% of additional HDPE to a typical 20 litre container.
GoPour can be inserted in a e.g. DIN61 neck in two seconds, pre or post-fill, depending on fill line configuration and requirement.
GoPour seamlessly integrates into existing single-opening containers without requiring modifications to the container or cap.
UN Safety Certification:
Not affected in any way. Certification remains unchanged.
Self Venting:
Our technology is self-venting, requiring no additional openings or features to standard containers.
Naturally Forming Spout:
By generating laminar flow, GoPour creates a naturally forming fluid spout which projects the chemical clear of the container in a predictable and controllable manner.
Dispensing speed is not compromised. Flow rates (e.g. DIN61) from a trickle to up to 44 litres a minute, with full GoPour control, can be achieved as and when required.
Safety and Efficiency:
By ensuring a laminar flow, GoPour eliminates splash filling, reducing the risk of static buildup when using flammable and combustible solvents. This also minimises the industry challenge of foaming, a familiar issue due to the common use of surfactants in the chemical sector.
Occupational and Enviornmental Benefits:
GoPour provides splash-free, drip-free, and glug-free dispensing, enhancing both occupational safety and environmental sustainability.
GoPour works effectively with any viscosity of fluid reducing the opportunity for waste.
GoPour can be made work with most tight head containers, but best suited to containers between 2 and 30 litres.
Ease of Use:
GoPour is located within the neck of the container. The consumer opens the cap with no intervention, explanation or training required, simply GoPour!.
Safety and Reliability:
Fully invertible e.g. A twenty litre container even with viscous gear oil, still pours without gluging, splashing or interruption.
GoPours design, allows for industry-recognised triple rinsing where applicable with chemicals predominant in the agri sector, and standard recycling with non hazardous food contents.
GoPour can be manufactured from either recycled or virgin HDPE material, depending on the application.
Minimum Change:
GoPour adds ≤2% of additional HDPE to a typical 20 litre container.
GoPour can be inserted in a e.g. DIN61 neck in two seconds, pre or post-fill, depending on fill line configuration and requirement.